The course is open. Amber buggy policy, strictly only for golfers who require them. Bunkers in play. Preferred lies through the green. Temporary Greens in play on Holes 1 & 14.

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Welcome to Naas Golf Club
- President Gerard Humphreys -

I’m delighted and honoured to be selected as President of Naas Golf Club. It is a great club and offers terrific views and challenging play for all levels of golfers. You will always have a warm and friendly welcome by staff and members of Naas Golf Club.

- Lady President Pam O'Neill -

Wishing all our members and staff good health and fortune during my term of office and in the years to come. I hope that our members enjoy their golf and hopefully we raise our game to bring success and trophies to our club.

I extend a warm welcome to our guests and hope you enjoy our course and facilities.

Member Booking

Visitor Booking

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